Articles and Buying Guides

What is The Best Mosquito Killer?

Tents in the woods

With warm summer weather, we spend more and more time outdoors barbequing, around a bonfire, camping, or simply entertaining guests on the back patio. What’s more annoying than those mosquitos that won’t leave you alone? Or bug spray you constantly have to re-apply, leaving you stinky and sticky?

If you aren’t prepared, you’re left with irritating bug bites and next-day itchiness. Even worse, those pesky mosquitos drive you to stay inside. Stinger® Insect Control products are the best solution for killing mosquitos and other flying insects!

How Do Mosquitos Find Us?

Mosquito Sucking blood

Humans and other animals put off carbon dioxide. Mosquitos can sense carbon dioxide from 75 feet away which helps them locate us. Our breath and sweat produce heat and humidity around our bodies. The heat and humidity around our bodies contain lactic acid and octenol, which attracts mosquitoes. Once they’ve found us, only female mosquitos bite, using the protein in our blood to make their eggs. Mosquitos also thrive in areas with stagnant water and moisture like kiddie pools, buckets, and barrels. Lastly, mosquitos are attracted to black clothing, so wearing lighter colored clothes that cover the skin can prevent bug bites. Although, if desperate, mosquitos can puncture clothing.

Fun Facts about Mosquitos

Why Is Stinger Different than Other Insect Control Devices?

Scientifically Tested & Proven by entomologists

Stinger wants to ensure the statements on their packages are actually true, and that’s why they’ve put Stinger products through extensive scientific field testing. Entomologists running these tests have proven that Stinger provides the coverage and levels of effectiveness they say they do. 

For example, Stinger Zappers have powerful killing grids that use a transformer technology that covers 1+ acres with strong, continuous zapping. This type of zapping is necessary for effective killing and is not the same zap bugs are used to.

Bug Killer

Other Features:

EnergySmart™ Sundown Sensor

Some Stinger products come with the Sundown Sensor which automatically turns on at dusk and off at dawn saving you money on your energy bills.

New Killing Grid

Bug zappers are known to clog up with dead insects reducing the effectiveness of the device. Stinger insect control devices have new single killing grids with larger openings at the bottom of the unit allowing dead insects to easily fall through after they’ve been zapped.


NOsquito by Stinger

Octenol is known to attract mosquitos and this lure contains 5x more octenol than other leading competitors.

New Designs

Stinger has designed their insect control devices with comfort and style in mind. Most bug zappers are an eye sore, but Stinger has designed their products to look like they belong in your outdoor living space.

Which Stinger Product is Right for You?

Stinger Insect Zapper

Stinger Insect Zapper

  • White UV light
  • Covers up to 1 acre
  • Clog free grid
  • Outer enclosure makes it safe preventing kids, pets, other wildlife from coming in contact with the electric grid
  • 5,500 volts
  • Includes NOsquito Octenol lure to mosquitos
Stinger 5-in-1 Insect & Mosquito Zapper

Stinger 5-in-1 Insect & Mosquito Zapper

  • 5 mosquito killing technologies (black UV light, LED lights, thermal & Octenol lures & clog–free kill grid)
  • Covers up to 1 acre
  • 2x killing power
  • 5,500 volts
  • Sundown Sensor that automatically turns ON at dusk and OFF at dawn
  • Includes NOsquito Octenol lure
  • Black light technology attracts and kill 40% more insects
Stinger Cordless Insect Zapper Lantern

Stinger Cordless Insect Zapper Lantern

  • Portable, cordless, and rechargeable
  • UV black light killing technology
  • Runs 3.5 hours, 3 hour re-charge time
  • LED light for accent lighting
  • 625 sq ft coverage equivalent to 25x25 patio
  • Quiet zapping
  • Decorative
  • Perfect for your backyard patio or campground  
  • Includes NOsquito Octenol lure
Stinger Mosquito Repellent Lantern

Stinger Mosquito Repellent Lantern

  • Portable
  • Decorative
  • DEET-free, scientifically proven, powerful protection using plant-based, all natural active ingredients
  • Good for 225 sq feet or 15x15 area
  • Repellent pad good up to 12 hours, 3x longer then most competitors
  • Lantern only option for accent lighting
  • Fan dispersion technology to spread scent quickly (heat and smoke free)
  • Battery-operated
Stinger Bug Zapper Racket

Stinger Bug Zapper Racket

  • Indoor and outdoor use
  • No chemicals
  • Hand held quick killer for flies, spiders, wasps, mosquitos, etc.
  • No mess
  • 3,000 volt 
  • Battery-powered
  • Ergonomic design to reach flat surfaces

Outdoor patio

Don't let mosquitos and other summer bugs drive you inside this season. Don't deal with the dreaded itching, swelling, and big red bites any longer. With the easy installation of Stinger Bug Zapper products, you can finally relax and enjoy summer nights while Stinger does the work for you. No more re-applying stinky bug sprays or lighting citronella candles. Stinger Bug Zappers are the best way to kill mosquitos and ensure your outside oasis is protected from bugs!