It’s now officially the spring season, and that means it’s time to make sure your lawn looks better than it did last year!
Now is the ideal time to lay out the plan to keep your lawn green and well-fed all year long. If you’re unsure of where to start, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a helpful list of tips and key lawn and garden products you need to have on hand this year.
Aerating Your Lawn

Lawn aeration is not a must, but it’s a great idea if you’re planning on fertilizing your lawn this spring. Aeration basically pokes holes in your lawn, giving your grass roots easy access to water, fertilizer, and air.
Running a manual aerator can be a tough task, but check to see if your mower has an aerator attachment available to make the process easier. If you have a smaller lawn, you can even buy inexpensive aerator sandals that strap to your shoes and allow you to aerate as you walk across your yard!
Lawn Fertilization
Fertilizing your lawn leads to healthy, dark green grass and helps prevent weeds. The key ingredient here is nitrogen – it’s the most essential element for any lawn. If you begin to fertilize regularly, you’ll notice a change in appearance and growth rate. Expect to mow more often once you start fertilizing!

In order to fertilize properly, you’ll need a spreader or seeder. For smaller lawns, a handheld spreader (1,000-2,500 sq. ft. capacity) like the Scotts Wizz Handheld Spreader will do the job. For larger areas, a rolling fertilizer spreader may be more efficient. Some heavy-duty fertilizer spreaders will carry up to 130 lbs. of seed! The Scotts Turf Builder EdgeGuard DLX Broadcast Fertilizer Spreader is a great value and offers an 15,000 sq. ft. capacity.
As far as applying the fertilizer, you’ll want to start on the perimeter of your lawn and work your way back and forth while slightly overlapping strips.

Water is extremely important to the lawn fertilization process. Make sure to water your lawn a day or two before applying fertilizer, and then lightly water again after the application. Avoid fertilizing before a heavy rain, as it may wash fertilizer away before it has a chance to absorb.
When (and What) to Feed Your Lawn
Spring is a key season for lawn feeding. Having endured the winter months with few nutrients, your grass needs to get a good start in order to grow all summer. Scotts Turf Builder Halts Crabgrass Preventer with Lawn Food is a good option for spring feeding.
In the summer months, lawns can often be subjected to intense heat and traffic. It’s important to continue feeding regularly as it can be tough for lawns to grow well on their own under these conditions.
Fall is a great growing season thanks to milder temperatures and rainfall throughout much of the country. In fact, it might be the most important feeding season for the health of your lawn. Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Lawn Food strengthens roots and helps grass retain nitrogen before winter.